Smithers Efc Service Protocol

Smithers EFC Sunday Service Protocol (August 2020)

Guiding Principles – Why are we doing what we are doing?

  • We are called to Make Disciples – which includes the mandate to meet together, to build community, to sing and worship together, and to act as the Body of Christ (Hebrews 10:23-25, Ephesians 5:19-20, 1 Corinthians 12)
  • We are called to obey governmental authorities – doing what is right in the eyes of God and man (Romans 13:1-5, 2 Corinthians 8:21)
  • We are called to consider other people’s interests as more important than our own – including our own preferences and opinions (Philippians 2:1-11)


Steps SEFC Leadership is Taking:

  • Ensuring that church events are held to 50 people or less
  • Attendees must sign up to attend a service

                             The contact list for each service will be kept on file for 30 days

  • A lock Box will be available in the foyer in which to deposit tithes/offerings
  • Hand-sanitizing stations are available in the building
  • Ushers will be available:

                            To explain the protocols

                            To control the doors for as little contact as possible

                            To direct seating

  • We will ensure proper spacing between rows of seating - using alternate rows of chairs
  • To increase ventilation sanctuary doors and windows will remain open, with fans on
  • Frequently touched surfaces will be cleaned between services

Steps the SEFC is asking you to take

  • We welcome you to attend when you are ready to attend

                         No one should feel pressured or obligated to come if they have any fears or concerns

                         You are welcome to wear a mask

                    Those with a cough, fever or flu-like symptoms, chronic diseases or who are immuno-compromised should not attend

  • We will continue to record and post services online for those who are not able to attend
  • Visiting is encouraged within the guidelines:

                       Please maintain the 2m (6 feet) physical distancing between households/families

                       Please - no physical contact - including handshakes and hugs

                       Coffee will not be served

  • Bathrooms will be available for one person at a time to use (exceptions for parents helping their young children)
  • Families with young children are welcome

                      Families will sit together and keep their children with them

                      Nursery, fireside room and basement would be available for two sets of parent and child(ren) each -

                         for children who cannot sit through the service

                      Toys will not be available at the church, therefore, please bring your own

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!